The Artist
Renowned Melbourne artist George Petrou is a successful graphic designer and acclaimed portrait artist. Passionate about Australians from all walks of life who have served our great nation with gallantry and sacrifice, George captures the eye and gives voice and further life to their incredible stories.
Also a patron for TPI Victoria Inc, George assists in supporting the interests and welfare of ex-servicemen and women, their families and dependents. In June 2020 George was awarded an OAM for “Services to the Visual Arts and to Veterans”, and in the same year he released The Art Of Sacrifice – a haunting and poignant exploration of a spirit like no other: the Anzac Spirit.
His painting has evolved from a strong contemporary abstract style to restrained portrait painting with a splash of abstraction to free up the subject from total reality. George’s portraits proudly hang in museums in France, Government House Canberra, and a range of military institutions across Australia.


The Victoria Cross
The Victoria Cross is the highest award for acts of bravery in wartime. It was instituted in 1856 by Queen Victoria and made retrospective to 1854 to cover the period of the Crimean War.
The Lost Diggers of Vignacourt
Almost a century ago, a French photographer captured images of ANZAC Diggers in the village of Vignacourt, Northern France.

Collector cards & Postcards
Victoria Cross
The Victoria Cross is the highest award for acts of bravery in wartime. It was instituted in 1856 by Queen Victoria and made retrospective to 1854 to cover the period of the Crimean War.

The Lost Diggers of Vignacourt
Almost a century ago, a French photographer captured images of ANZAC Diggers in the village of Vignacourt, Northern France.