Unknown Soldier
Most of the photographs in this book (The Lost Diggers) and many hundreds more, appear on the Sunday Night program website at www.sundaynight.com.au and also on the Lost Diggers site on Facebook: www.facebook.com/lostdiggers
Shortly after our ‘Lost Diggers’ story was first broadcast on a summer evening in Australia that February in 2011, we posted hundreds of the Thuillier collection photographs of the Australian soldiers on our program website and also on our specially created Facebook page. It became an unprecedented social media phenomenon for a history archive, with literally millions of viewing the pictures online from all over the world. Within days, the volume of emails, excited phone calls, letters and Facebook messages we were receiving showed just how much the Lost Diggers had touched so many. Hundreds of thousands of viewers from across the country and overseas wrote us emotional and passionate accounts of their response to the faces of the diggers.